Full Stops Lesson Plan (beginner)
Interactive Whiteboard Lesson
- Read the sentence
- What’s missing from the sentence?
- Click and drag the snail to where the full stop should be (when clicked a target will appear with the snail, use the target to accurately place the snail)
- Snail turns into full stop
- Answer is automatically marked
Context of Lesson
Pupils to read the sentences without punctuation and place full stops appropriately
Resources Required
Full stop beginner punctuation game, interactive whiteboard, small card (A4 pdf) showing full stop, sets of simple sentences cut into words (sentence 1 (A4 pdf), sentence 2 (A4 pdf), sentence 3 (A4 pdf)), prepared worksheet for homework
Learning Objectives
To use full stops to demarcate sentences
Using the Punctuation Game
- Teacher to show full stop card (A4 pdf). Ask pupils to name it and to explain why we use full stops when we are writing.
- Continue discussing and define the word ‘sentence’.
- Teacher to load the ‘Full Stop’ punctuation game on to the interactive whiteboard.Tell the pupils that these snails are going to help them finish sentences that have lost their full stops. Explain that the snails are special snails that turn into full stops.
- Class to read the first sentence and to tell the teacher where the full stop should be.
- Teacher to model clicking and dragging the snail, pointing out that they must use the target to place the snail correctly.
- At end of first game, replay, allowing pupils to read, click and drag.
- Continue with more ‘Full Stop’ games giving as many children as possible a turn to read, or click and drag snails.
Teacher to hand out a cut up sentence (A4 pdf) and full stop to selected pupils. Ask the pupils to come to the front of the class and arrange themselves so that their words make a sentence - make sure the pupil with the full stop finds the end of the sentence! Class to read sentence - is the full stop in the correct place? Repeat with other cut up sentences (sentence 2 (A4 pdf), sentence 3 (A4 pdf)) and other pupils.
Literacy Homework
Using the prepared worksheet (A4 pdf), teacher to ask pupils to read the sentences then to add the full stop in the correct place.
Individual Computer / Computer Suite Lesson
- Read the sentence
- What’s missing from the sentence?
- Click and drag the snail to where the full stop should be (when clicked a target will appear with the snail, use the target to accurately place the snail)
- Snail turns into full stop
- Answer is automatically marked
Context of Lesson
Pupils to read the sentences without punctuation and place full stops appropriately
Resources Required
Full stop beginner punctuation game, interactive whiteboard, individual computers, small card (A4 pdf) showing full stop, word processing programme, prepared sentence strips (A4 pdf), pre-prepared text copied from an appropriate magazine/comic/newspaper
Learning Objectives
To use full stops to demarcate sentences
Using the Punctuation Game
- Teacher to write a simple sentence (without a full stop) on the interactive whiteboard and ask pupils what is missing from the end.
- Teacher to show full stop card (A4 pdf). Ask pupils to name it and to explain why we use full stops when we are writing.
- Teacher to load the ‘Full Stop’ punctuation game on to the interactive whiteboard.Tell the pupils that these snails are going to help them finish sentences that have lost their full stops. Explain that the snails are special snails that turn into full stops.
- Class to read the first sentence and to tell the teacher where the full stop should be.
- Teacher to model clicking and dragging the snail, pointing out that they must use the target to place the snail correctly.
- Explain to pupils that they will now play the game on their computers working with a partner.
- Teacher and teaching assistant to ensure that the ‘Full Stop’ punctuation game is ready to play on the pupils’ computers.
- Pupils to play the game, taking turns to read the sentence then click and drag the snail.
- Teacher and teaching assistant to move around computers giving support where necessary, ensuring that sentences are being read and mouse is being used correctly.
- Pupils who complete game quickly to collect a sentence strip (A4 pdf) from the teacher. Pupils to use a word processing programme to type the sentence on the sentence strip. Their partner to add the full stop.
- Teaching assistant to help pupils access word processing programme and locate where the full stop is on the keyboard.
Ask pupils who completed extra work to read out their sentences and explain where they put the full stop. End lesson with teacher writing a sentence on whiteboard and selecting pupil to come and add a full stop correctly.
Literacy Homework
Teacher to provide small passages of print from appropriate newspapers, magazines or comics. Ask pupils to use a coloured pencil to put a ring around each full stop they find.