Words that Rhyme with Hill Lesson Plan KS1

Two lessons plans ideal for using with KS1 learners.

Interactive Whiteboard Lesson Plan


  • Look at the word ‘hill’
  • Select words by hovering the mouse over the stars - word is revealed
  • If it rhymes with ‘hill’ click and drag it into Ryan’s thought bubble
  • Watch Ryan roller skate!
  • Answers are automatically marked
  • Complete for all words until game is complete

Context of Lesson

Pupils to sound out given words and select those that rhyme with ‘hill’

Resources Required

Words that rhyme with hill reading game, interactive whiteboard, small individual whiteboards with pens, or paper and pencils, small card (A4 pdf) with ‘ill’ on, prepared worksheet (A4 pdf) for homework

Learning Objectives

  • To explore and play with rhyming patterns
  • To generate rhyming strings e.g. will, still, pill etc.

Using the Reading Game

  • Teacher to begin lesson by explaining that the class will be thinking about words that rhyme or sound the same.
  • Teacher to load ‘Words that rhyme with hill’ reading game on to the interactive whiteboard, explain to the class that Ryan the rhino is thinking about words that rhyme with ‘hill’.
  • Teacher to say the word ‘hill’, can anyone think of a word that sounds like, rhymes with, ‘hill’?
  • Teacher to show small card (A4 pdf) with ‘ill’ on it and explain that this sound is a word by itself but it is also the ending for all words that rhyme with ‘hill’.
  • Let’s start the game, remind class that Ryan the rhino is thinking of words that rhyme with ‘hill’… the words are hidden in the stars.
  • Teacher to model revealing a word, ask the class to sound out the word. Does it rhyme with ‘hill’? Class to decide. If it rhymes click and drag it into Ryan’s thought bubble. Select other pupils to come to the interactive whiteboard to select stars and sound out words. Continue until the end of the first part of the game.
  • Before continuing to the next set of words, give out small whiteboards and pens and ask class to write one more word that they think might be in the game. Ask pupils to read out their words.
  • Continue with the game selecting different pupils to come to the interactive whiteboard. Are any words in the game the same as the words on their whiteboards - who guessed correctly?


Return game to the start page. Class to use their whiteboards to write as many words from the game as they can remember. Ask pupils to hold up their work and select at random three or four different boards to read out. Teaching assistant to scribe for less able, or write word and ask pupil to copy it underneath.

Literacy Homework

On prepared worksheets (A4 pdf) ask pupils to write out four words that rhyme with ‘hill’.

Individual Computer / Computer Suite Lesson Plan


  • Look at the word ‘hill’
  • Select words by hovering the mouse over the stars - word is revealed
  • If it rhymes with ‘hill’ click and drag it into Ryan’s thought bubble
  • Watch Ryan roller skate!
  • Answers are automatically marked
  • Complete for all words until the game is complete

Context of Lesson

Pupils to sound out given words and select those that rhyme with ‘hill’

Resources Required

Words that rhyme with hill game, interactive whiteboard, individual computers, word processing programme, small card (A4 pdf) with ‘ill’ on, prepared worksheet (A4 pdf) for homework

Learning Objectives

  • To explore and play with rhyming patterns
  • To generate rhyming strings e.g. still, will, bill etc.

Using the Game

  • Teacher to begin lesson by explaining that the class will be thinking about words that rhyme or sound the same.
  • Teacher to load ‘Words that rhyme with hill’ game on to the interactive whiteboard, explain to the class that Ryan the rhino is thinking about words that rhyme with ‘hill’.
  • Teacher to say the word ‘hill’, can anyone think of a word that sounds like, rhymes with, ‘hill’?
  • Teacher to show small card (A4 pdf) with ‘ill’ on it and explain that this sound is a word by itself but it is also the ending for all words that rhyme with ‘hill’.
  • Let’s start the game, remind class that Ryan the rhino is thinking of words that rhyme with ‘hill’… the words are hidden in the stars.
  • Teacher to model revealing a word, ask the class to sound out the word. Does it rhyme with ‘hill’? Class to decide. If it rhymes click and drag it into Ryan’s thought bubble.
  • Explain to pupils that they will now complete the game on their computers working with a partner. Pupils to take turns using the mouse, the partner not using the mouse to sound out the word revealed and both to decide whether it rhymes with ‘hill’ or not.
  • Teacher and teaching assistant to move around computers ensuring that the game is being played correctly and that pupils are sounding out words. Encourage pupils to guess what the next rhyming word could be whilst Ryan is roller skating.
  • Quick pupils to use a word processing programme to make a sentence using words from the game - it can be a ‘silly sentence’, e.g. ‘Ryan will go up the hill to pay the bill’.
  • Teacher and teaching assistant to help pupils access word processing programme.


Pupils who have written a sentence to read them out to the class. Other pupils to identify the ‘ill’ words used. Teacher to select pupils to say a word that rhymes with ‘hill’.

Literacy Homework

Pupils to write two sentences using as many words that rhyme with ‘hill’ as possible, alternatively use the prepared worksheet (A4 pdf) and ask pupils to write out four words that rhyme with ‘hill’.