Words that Rhyme Lesson Plan (bug) KS1
There are two words that rhyme lesson plans below, one for teaching with an interactive whiteboard and the other for teaching with iPads or individual computers. Both lessons are targeted at improving reading skills with KS1 learners.
Interactive Whiteboard Lesson
The following provides a quick overview of using this words that rhyme lesson plan with the bees’ game.
- Select words by hovering mouse over bees - word is revealed
- Look at word and sound it out
- If it rhymes with ‘bug’, click and drag the bee into the nest
- Watch the flower grow
- Answers are automatically marked
- Complete for all words until game is complete
Context of Lesson
Pupils to sound out given words and select those that rhyme with ‘bug’
Resources Required
This words that rhyme lesson plan requires the following resources. Words that rhyme with bug game, interactive whiteboard, small card with ‘ug’ written on it, prepared worksheet for homework
Learning Objectives
This lesson plan has the following learning objectives.
- To explore and play with rhyming patterns
- To generate rhyming strings e.g. bug, dug, mug
Using the Reading Game
- Teacher begins the lesson by showing the card ‘ug’ to pupils and ask them to sound it out.
- Explain that this card is going to be passed around the class and each pupil when they receive the card is going to say a word that sounds like ‘ug’. Teacher explains that the word can be a real word or a nonsense word.
- Teacher begins the lesson by holding up the ‘ug’ card and saying ‘bug’. Allow the pupils to pass the card and generate ‘ug’ words.
- Teacher loads ‘Words that rhyme with bug’ game on to the interactive whiteboard and explain to the class that they are going to help the bees bring words that rhyme with ‘bug’ to the nest. If we get the words right the flower will grow.
- Teacher begins the game and models revealing a word, sounding the word out, then if it rhymes with ‘bug’ clicking and dragging it into the nest.
- Continue with the game selecting different pupils to come to the interactive whiteboard to reveal words, sound out, then click and drag, or choose another bee.
- Teaching assistant to work with less able, encouraging them to sound out words correctly.
This words that rhyme lesson plan recommends a plenary session for the end of the lesson. Re-play card game from the introduction, who has remembered the most words from the game?
Literacy Homework
If you require a longer lesson plan then use this homework activity as an extension to the lesson. On prepared worksheets ask pupils if they can write out three words that rhyme with ‘bug’.
Individual Computer / Computer Suite Lesson
- Select words by hovering mouse over bees - word is revealed
- Look at word and sound it out
- If it rhymes with ‘bug’, click and drag the bee into the nest
- Watch the flower grow
- Answers are automatically marked
- Complete for all words until game is complete
Context of Lesson
Pupils to sound out given words and select those that rhyme with ‘bug’
Resources Required
This words that rhyme lesson plan requires the following resources. Words that rhyme with bug game, interactive whiteboard, individual computers, small card with ‘ug’ written on it, word processing programme, prepared worksheet for homework
Learning Objectives
The lesson plan has the following objectives.
- To explore and play with rhyming patterns
- To generate rhyming strings e.g. bug, dug, mug
Using the Game
- Teacher shows card ‘ug’ to pupils and asks them to sound it out.
- Explain that this card is going to be passed around the class and each pupil when they receive the card is going to say a word that sounds like ‘ug’. Teacher explains that the word can be a real word or a nonsense word.
- Teacher begins by holding up the ‘ug’ card and saying ‘bug’. Allow the class to pass the card and generate ‘ug’ words.
- Teacher loads the ‘Words that rhyme with bug’ game on to the interactive whiteboard and explain to the class that they are going to help the bees bring words that rhyme with ‘bug’ to the nest. If we get the words right the flower will grow.
- Teacher begins the game and models revealing a word, sounding the word out, then if it rhymes with ‘bug’ clicking and dragging it into the nest.
- Explain to pupils that they will now complete the game on their computers / iPads working with a partner. Pupils to take turns using the mouse and reading the words.
- Explain to pupils that when they have found all nine words that rhyme with ‘bug’ they must call out ‘buzz’ so that the teacher can show them the next step of the lesson.
- Pupils that call out ‘buzz’ to use a word processing programme to type a list of three words from the game that rhyme with ‘bug’. Pupils to take turns using the keyboard.
- Teacher and teaching assistant to move around computers ensuring that the game is being played correctly and that pupils are sounding out words.
- Teacher and teaching assistant to help pupils load word processing programme.
This words that rhyme lesson plan recommends a plenary session at the end of the lesson to help consolidate learning. Teacher asks the pupils if they can read out the words from their lists. Have we got all nine words from the game?
Literacy Homework
On prepared worksheets ask pupils if they can write out six words that rhyme with ‘bug’. Colour the bug.